Our dedicated team are confident and knowledgeable to analyse candidate skills and assess suitability for the role, whether permanent or contract, to connect the best job seekers with businesses looking to hire.
Helping businesses succeed in industries such as FinTech, Banking, Insurance, Telematics, Education, Technology, Utilities, Consultancy, Gaming, eCommerce, Online Payments, Superannuation (just to name a few), we look for:
Software Developers,
Front-End or Back-End Engineers,
Mobile iOS/Android Developers,
Lead Developers,
Quality Assurance (QA) Testers,
Chief Technology Officers,
Solution Architects, and
Application Architects.
These are professionals who are skilled in JavaScript, TypeScript, CSS, HTML, Vue, Angular, Ruby, Python, Node, .AWS, GCP, Azure, .NET, API, .React,.NET, API.
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